Wednesday 16 April 2014

If I were to die tomorrow.

Life, as a whole, is like a canvas stretched out before you, with you, the artist, holding the brush; painting the way ahead. It may seem endless, with the horizon in the distance; the path, twisting and winding. But life is never the pretty picture we paint it to be. As full of life Mother Earth is, it is also home to death. Everyday, Death rears its ugly head, claiming the lives of those it chooses to have for its own. No one is safe, as Death does not discriminate against age, race, colour, religion or social status. One day, you maybe here; the next day, friends and family could be mourning over your casket. Your next breath maybe the last one you take; that's the thing about life, you never know, till you're gone.

But, what if you did? What if you knew that tomorrow would be your last day on Earth; the beginning of your end? When I randomly asked my friends this, everyone had an idea of how they would want to spend their final moments. I, on the other hand, had no clue, because, I now realise, had taken the gift of life given to me for granted. I had forgotten that as easily as I was given this existence, it could also be snatched away without a moment's  notice. Harsh, but true.

For now, it may seem that I have many more years ahead of me; but if I were to die tomorrow, I would await the dawn and dusk to gaze upon my final sunrise and sunset, so I can watch the skies fill with an array of colour; gaze upon the sun both giving light and taking it away from around us. I would close my eyes as the breeze fondles my hair, walk through my garden, so I can feel the grass playing with my toes, and bask upon the simple and exquisite beauty of Mother Nature, which I didn't take enough time to appreciate.

I would let go of grudges, and free myself from everything I have held against those who I felt had ever wronged me, and in turn, I would seek forgiveness from those who I had wronged. I would want to leave, realizing that everyone who has ever crossed paths with me have inadvertently, in their own ways, helped me become the individual I am; be it good or bad. I would be thankful for being given the opportunity to grow and learn, to fight for myself and what I believed in, to be me. I would laugh more, be slower to sadden, hug more often, forgive more easily, hasten to begrudge someone, look more at the gift of the now, instead of trying to peer into an unseen future.

I would try to be a better daughter, a loving sister, a trustworthy friend; someone who can be looked up to with respect and love. I would show more affection and love to the people who matter, instead of trying to please the world.

I would go to church more often, and pray with greater frequency. Pray like I haven't done in a while; sincerely and without restrain, thanking God for everything I have, instead of berating Him for what I didn't. I would renew my faith in the divine and make it stronger than it ever was, because to truly believe in a higher calling; to me, that would be attaining inner peace.

I would appreciate the things my parents do for me more than I do, understanding that all their actions are in aid of bettering me and making me someone worthwhile. I would have more patience with them, even if I may not agree with everything they do or say, because I know they do it purely out of love. I would spend more time with my sister; my best friend and the one person I love most (she doesn't need to know that :P), helping her the best I can as an older sibling, so that she would know that, through thick and thin, she would always have family. I would be the best friend I can to those I care about, communicating better and opening myself up more to the love and concern they unceasingly offer.

I would attempt to learn as much as I can about the Universe and its mysteries, as knowledge is key to self fulfillment. I would strive to be wiser in my decisions and smarter about how I hold myself together, come rain or shine. I would try to make a difference in at least one life, before I go; be the reason that someone wants to go on and push past the obstacles hurled at them in life's journey.

If I were to die tomorrow, I would want to go knowing that I have always tried, even when I wanted to give up. Most importantly, though; if I were to die tomorrow, I would want to go, knowing that even though I may not have been the richest, prettiest, smartest or most popular person to have lived, I still had everything I ever needed.

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